Welcome to the Virtual Exhibition of the Silent Book Contest 2024 – Gianni De Conno Award, the first international contest dedicated to illustrated books without words, now at its XI Edition. This year we have received 250 entries from 57 different countries of the world. The Jury of the Experts selected 16 of them to be the finalists.
Click on the covers to discover more about the stories and the authors. You’ll also find inside an extract of the illustrated pages of the books.
Bi Li Ge (China)
Carol Cuquetto (Brazil)
Keung Chi Kit (Hong Kong)
Gerard Sancho Novell (Andorra)
Lola Svetlova (Kazakistan)
Lara Kaminski (Germany)
Letizia Battisti (Italy)
Markéta Pěničková (Czech Republic)
Maya Gonen (Israel)
Nelli Lassen (Denmark)
Qi Jiaona (China)
Santiago Viamonte Martinez (Spain)
Do you want to discover more about the contest? Take a look to the contributions made by the International Jurors.
Virtual Exhibition Project conceived by: Carthusia Edizioni, Costanza India De Conno
Contest organized and promoted by: Carthusia Edizioni
In collaboration with: Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Salone Internazionale del libro di Torino, Comune di Mulazzo, Associazione Montereggio Paese dei Librai, IOB International Organisation of Book Towns
With the patronage of: Ibby Italia
Contest under the auspices of: Centro per il libro e la lettura
With the contribution of: BPER Banca
Media Partners: Rai Ragazzi, Rai Radio 3
Organizational committee: Patrizia Zerbi, Costanza India De Conno, Francesco Zamboni